Simple CA Practice Build
11+1+3 Healing Prayers
10+1 Divine Favor
9 Inspirations
4 Illusion
Word of Healing
Orison of Healing
Healing Breeze
Mend Ailment
Holy Veil
Drain Enchant
Rez Sig
This is a simple build that gives you a number of tools to practice with. Word of healing is your big energy efficient heal and you should strive to use it whenever you can. Healing Breeze will help you heal as you kite and counteract degen. It should be used sparingly. The alternate use for breeze is when two targets are under attack, breeze the higher HP target and word the lower HP target. This buys the high HP target time before you need to use word on him. This is energy intensive so only do it if two units are severely threatened. Orison acts as a very energy efficient self heal and smaller heal for allies.
Distortion is to save your butt as you kite. You do not want to stand still and tank with distortion. You will very rapidly run out of energy this way. Only turn on distortion if you are going to get hit and cannot immediately kite (for example when you stop to cast a heal on an ally or the warrior chasing you just activated sprint.) You mitigate most of the damage to yourself by efficient kiting. Distortion aids this process.
Veil and Mend are your hex and condition management. Remember veil cannot keep up with heavy hexes, thus you must be selective on which ones you remove and know when to precast veil. In addition with mend, you must know when it is appropriate to mend and when it is not. For example against an apply poison ranger, mend will not help much and you are better off countering with healing.
Remember the key is to spot the right moment to use each spell:
Word-Big Heals on single targets, semi spike, should be your staple spell
Orison-occasional counter for light pressure, self heal, bridging words
Breeze-Buy time with two pressured targets, counter degen
You will notice your energy management is rather limited. The key to playing this build well is not over healing. If you over heal your targets you will burn your energy rapidly. Thus you need to recognize when you heal a target and when to wait.